The SMTChecker, a formal verification module built-in the Solidity compiler, received a lot of improvements in 2020. Many improvements are related to Solidity’s language features, such as structs, ABI, hash and math functions, and other important features that were unsupported. When running the tool, the user now has more control and is able to set a timeout per query and choose engines separately between BMC and CHC. The CHC engine encodes Solidity code as Constrained Horn Clauses and is often able to handle loops and contract invariants. The internals of the CHC engine will be detailed in an upcoming series of posts. CHC has been extended to analyze external calls to unknown code and report counterexamples including transaction traces, which are the focus of this post.

Counterexamples and Transaction Traces

The CHC engine has been able to tell whether a property holds or not for a while, but counterexample reporting was only added recently. The counterexample attempts to give concrete values for state, input and output variables. It works well in general, but might fail sometimes for non-value types due to their complexity. The user also receives a full transaction trace that leads to the property being violated.

Consider the Solidity sample below:

//SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-v3
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
pragma experimental SMTChecker;

contract Test {
	function max(uint[] memory _a) public pure returns (uint) {
		require(_a.length > 5);
		uint m = 0;
		for (uint i = 0; i < _a.length; ++i)
			if (_a[i] > m)
				m = _a[i];

		for (uint i = 0; i < _a.length; ++i)
			assert(m > _a[i]);

		return m;

The function takes an array of length at least 6, and computes the maximum element of the array. After that, it asserts that the previously found max element m is greater than all the elements of the array, which is what the SMTChecker will try to prove. The property is almost true:

$ solc max.sol --model-checker-engine chc

Warning: CHC: Assertion violation happens here.

_a = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

Transaction trace:
Test.max([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
  --> max.sol:14:4:
14 | 			assert(m > _a[i]);
   | 			^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

The SMTChecker gives us a pretty simple counterexample, an array full of zeroes. Our property missed the fact that the max element is also in the array, and therefore cannot be greater than itself. The correct property should be assert(m >= _a[i]);. After fixing the property, we’re able to prove it, shown by the absence of a warning from the tool. Note that in the same run the SMTChecker also proved that none of the ++i can overflow.

The following simplified Crowdsale snippet from the previous blog post requires a few more transactions to violate the assertion.

//SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-v3
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
pragma experimental SMTChecker;

contract SimpleCrowdsale {
	State state = State.INIT;

	uint public weiRaised;
	uint public cap;

	constructor(uint _cap) {

	function setCap(uint _cap) internal {
		require(state == State.INIT);
		require(_cap > 0);
		cap = _cap;
		state = State.STARTED;

	receive() external payable {
		require(state == State.STARTED);
		require(msg.value > 0);
		uint newWeiRaised = weiRaised + msg.value;
		require(newWeiRaised <= cap);
		weiRaised = cap;

	function finalize() public {
		require(state == State.STARTED);
		assert(weiRaised < cap);
		state = State.FINISHED;

The counterexample is:

$ solc crowdsale.sol --model-checker-engine chc

Warning: CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
state = 1, weiRaised = 1, cap = 1

Transaction trace:
State: state = 1, weiRaised = 0, cap = 1
State: state = 1, weiRaised = 1, cap = 1
  --> crowdsale.sol:33:3:
33 | 		assert(weiRaised < cap);
   | 		^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

The counterexample shows that after deployment, the assertion violation can be reached with 2 transactions. The correct property is assert(weiRaised <= cap);.

External Calls to Unknown Code

External calls most of the time cannot be resolved at compile time. That is only possible for external calls to the same contract (this) or to contracts that were deployed by the caller. This presents a new challenge in proving contract invariants: they must hold even if the contract makes external calls to unknown code that can do anything! This includes an unbounded number of potential reentrant calls to the original contract, and calls to other contracts.

The mutex example below asserts the property that state variable x cannot be modified inside function run. Function run does not change x directly, but it performs an external call to unknown code which can, for example, call contract Mutex back, trying to change x via Mutex.set. A precise analysis of this case requires not only functional knowledge about Mutex.set, but also global knowledge about Mutex’s behavior in the case of any number of reentrant calls, in any order.

//SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-v3
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
pragma experimental SMTChecker;

interface Unknown {
	function run() external;

contract Mutex {
	uint x;
	bool lock;

	Unknown immutable unknown;

	constructor(Unknown _u) {
		require(address(_u) != address(0));
		unknown = _u;

	modifier mutex {
		lock = true;
		lock = false;

	function set(uint _x) mutex public {
		x = _x;

	function run() mutex public {
		uint xPre = x;;
		assert(xPre == x);

Spacer, the Horn solver used by the CHC engine, automatically infers the inductive invariant lockPre => lockPost && lockPre => (xPost = xPre) for that specific external call, that is, it learns that

  • if lock = true before the call, it must also be true after the call.
  • if lock = true before the call, x cannot be modified by reentrant calls.

From the local context it knows that lock = true before the call. Therefore, it must be true that no reentrant call can modify x in the example above, and the property is correct.

Another important feature is the one that names this post. In case it is possible to violate the assertion, the solver synthesizes the behavior of the externally called unknown code, telling us exactly what needs to be done to break the property. If is not guarded by lock, the SMTChecker reports

Warning: CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
x = 1, lock = false, unknown = 1

Transaction trace:
State: x = 0, lock = false, unknown = 1 -- untrusted external call, synthesized as:
        Mutex.set(1) -- reentrant call
  --> mutex.sol:34:3:
34 | 		assert(xPre == x);
   | 		^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Here the solver finds out that all the unknown code needs to do is call Mutex.set once, and the property will be violated at the end of

Note that unknown = 1 means the address of the Unknown contract called by Mutex, where the actual address of the deployed contract doesn’t really matter, as long as it implements a function run() that calls Mutex.set(1).

The following sample contract shows the counterexample report in case the external unknown function needs to make multiple calls:

//SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-v3
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
pragma experimental SMTChecker;

interface Unknown {
	function run() external;

contract Test {
	uint x;
	uint y;

	Unknown immutable unknown;

	constructor(Unknown _u) {
		require(address(_u) != address(0));
		unknown = _u;

	function incX() public { ++x; }
	function incY() public { ++y; }

	function f() public {;
		assert(x < 3 || y < 1);

The property is false, and the SMTChecker reports:

$ solc external_inc.sol --model-checker-engine chc

Warning: CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
x = 3, y = 1, unknown = 1

Transaction trace:
State: x = 0, y = 0, unknown = 1
Test.f() -- untrusted external call, synthesized as:
        Test.incX() -- reentrant call
        Test.incX() -- reentrant call
        Test.incX() -- reentrant call
        Test.incY() -- reentrant call
  --> external_inc.sol:25:3:
25 | 		assert(x < 3 || y < 1);
   | 		^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

We can naturally try to apply this feature on code that might be vulnerable to reentrancy. For example, take the following simplified/modified implementation of a ERC777 token:

//SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-v3
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
pragma experimental SMTChecker;

interface IERC777Recipient {
	function tokensReceived(
		address from,
		address to,
		uint256 amount
	) external;

interface IERC777Sender {
	function tokensToSend(
		address from,
		address to,
		uint256 amount
	) external;

contract ERC777 {
	mapping (address => uint256) public balanceOf;
	uint public totalSupply;

	function deposit() public payable {
		require(msg.value > 0);
		balanceOf[msg.sender] += msg.value;
		totalSupply += msg.value;

	function withdraw(uint _amount) public {
		require(_amount > 0 && _amount <= balanceOf[msg.sender]);
		balanceOf[msg.sender] -= _amount;
		totalSupply -= _amount;

	function transfer(address _to, uint _amount) public {
		require(msg.sender != _to);
		require(_amount > 0);
		require(balanceOf[msg.sender] >= _amount);
		uint preSupply = totalSupply;

		balanceOf[msg.sender] -= _amount;
		balanceOf[_to] += _amount;

		IERC777Sender(msg.sender).tokensToSend(msg.sender, _to, _amount);
		IERC777Recipient(_to).tokensReceived(msg.sender, _to, _amount);

		assert(totalSupply == preSupply);

A common property in token contracts is that the totalSupply does not change between the beginning and the end of an atomic transfer, represented by the assert at the last line of ERC777.transfer. When trying to prove the property, we learn that:

Warning: CHC: Assertion violation happens here.
totalSupply = 975
_to = 1461501637330902918203684832716283019655932537122
_amount = 1

Transaction trace:
State: totalSupply = 0
ERC777.deposit(){ value: 974 }
State: totalSupply = 974
ERC777.transfer(1461501637330902918203684832716283019655932537122, 1)
    IERC777Sender(msg.sender).tokensToSend(msg.sender, _to, _amount) -- untrusted external call, synthesized as:
        ERC777.deposit(){ value: 1 } -- reentrant call
    IERC777Recipient(_to).tokensReceived(msg.sender, _to, _amount) -- untrusted external call
  --> erc777.sol:50:3:
50 | 		assert(totalSupply == preSupply);
   | 		^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

ERC777 specifies hooks that call back to both sender and recipients of a transfer. These hooks may perform reentrant calls to the ERC777 tokens, leading to the property begin violated at the end of the transfer. If this property is desired, mutex can be used to guarantee no reentrancy.

Future work

Automatic synthesis of malicious code is extremely challenging and therefore an exciting milestone. This feature works with the assumption that we can never trust code called externally, since at compile time we do not know what exactly will be deployed as the called contract. A complementary feature that seems useful is to optionally handle externally called code as trusted, if an implementation is available at compile time. This provides the possibility of proving under which implementations of a certain interface your properties hold.

Besides that, we are continuously working on increasing language coverage, decreasing false positives, and improving solving performance.

In the upcoming weeks I also intend to release a series of posts detailing the internals of the CHC engine, which I find exciting and I hope you will too!


We thank Martin Blicha and Antti Hyvärinen from the Formal Verification and Security Lab at Università della Svizzera italiana for their contributions to the SMTChecker’s CHC engine’s theory and code, as part of our ongoing research collaboration on formal verification of smart contracts.