The latest release of hevm incorporates the recently introduced symbolic execution features into its unit testing framework.

This lets smart contract developers formulate and prove properties in Solidity using the dapp development framework. Formally verifying properties should now be no harder than writing a property based test. In fact, it uses almost the exact same syntax!

As an example, the following is a proof of the distributive property for EVM addition and multiplication:

function prove_distributivity(uint x, uint y, uint z) public {
        x * (y + z),
        (x * y) + (x * z)

In this tutorial we will show how to use these new features to prove properties of your smart contracts.

Table of Contents


If you want to follow along with the examples in this blog post, you need to install the nix package manager, and then install the dapptools toolkit:

# user must be in sudoers
curl -L | sh

# Run this or login again to use Nix
. "$HOME/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/"

# install dapptools
curl | sh

You can start a new dapp project by running dapp init inside of an empty directory, this will install ds-test as a submodule, and prepare the expected folder layout. A skeleton test file will have been created at src/<PROJECT_NAME>.t.sol. You can run dapp test from the root of the project to execute the unit tests, and dapp help test to get an overview of the available command line options.

What Is Symbolic Execution?

Symbolic execution is a program analysis technique that keeps some of the program state in an abstract form, meaning that instead of being set to a specific value, these portions of the state are represented by a variable with some constraints attached.

To make this more specific, consider the contract below:

contract Add {
    function add(uint x, uint y) external pure returns (uint z) {
        require((z = x + y) >= x, "overflow!");

When executing the add method symbolically, calldata is represented as two abstract words,x and y, without further constraints. As we proceed through the program we will encounter potential branching points, such as a JUMPI instruction. At this point, we check which branches are reachable by checking if the conjunction of all existing constraints and the branching condition is satisfiable. If both are reachable, then execution will split in two, and each branch will be explored separately, with the branching condition being added as a constraint for that particular branch.

This results in a tree of possible executions. For the add method, for example, the execution tree looks like this (ignoring potential failures due to out of gas errors):

├ 0     msg.value > 0
│       Revert
└ 1     msg.value == 0
  ├ 0   x + y < x
  │     Revert("overflow!")
  └ 1   x + y >= x
        Return: x + y

Each leaf on the tree represents a possible execution path, and has some logical conditions attached:

  • 0: msg.value > 0: revert (add is not payable)
  • 1-0: msg.value == 0 && x + y < x: revert (overflow)
  • 1-1: msg.value == 0 && x + y >= x: return x + y

Since the execution tree is an exhaustive representation of potential execution paths, if we assert a property at every leaf, then we can be sure that that property will hold for all possible values of each piece of symbolic state, allowing us to prove properties that hold for all possible inputs to a given function.

Using ds-test

ds-test is the Solidity interface to hevm’s unit testing functionality. hevm will execute as a test any method that meets the following criteria:

  1. The method is on a contract that inherits from DSTest
  2. The method is public or external
  3. The method name starts with test or prove

If a public method named setUp() is present it will be executed before each test is run.

Three types of test are recognised by hevm:

type prefix arguments semantics
concrete test no single execution with concrete values
property based test yes multiple executions with randomly generated concrete values
symbolic prove optional exhaustive exploration of all possible execution paths

To illustrate the differences between the test types, consider the following example:

contract Test is DSTest {
    function test_associativity() public {
            uint((1 + 2) + 3),
            uint(1 + (2 + 3))

    function test_associativity_fuzz(uint x, uint y, uint z) public {
            (x + y) + z,
            x + (y + z)

    function prove_associativity(uint x, uint y, uint z) public {
          (x + y) + z,
          x + (y + z)
  • test_associativity will run a single test case with the concrete values of 1, 2, and 3.
  • test_associativity_fuzz will be executed many times (100 by default), with randomly generated values for x, y, and z for each run.
  • prove_associativity will be symbolically executed, with x, y, and z represented as symbolic variables.

Each one of these test types has an additional fail variant, which will pass when at least one of the assertions within the test is violated. This is indicated by prefixing the test name with testFail or proveFail (e.g. testFail_associativity). In the case of symbolic tests, there must be an assertion violation in every leaf on the execution tree for the proveFail test to pass.

For an overview of the available assertions and logging events, the source code is the best reference.

Setting Up the Environment

There are a few ways in which the test environment can be prepared:

  1. Constructing and configuring contracts in the setUp phase
  2. Pulling state from an ethereum node via rpc (more details).
  3. Tweaking the environment (e.g. caller, timestamp, block number, or even arbitrary storage slots) from within ds-test by using hevm cheat codes, or the DAPP_TEST_* environment variables.

Note that all of these methods can be combined in arbitrary ways, e.g. you can pull a contract’s state from mainnet, modify it’s storage to make yourself the owner, jump forwards 100 blocks, and then make a few calls into that contract, before running your test cases against the new state.

Finding Counterexamples

Let’s look at a more complex example! Consider the following token contract:

contract SafeMath {
    function add(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) {
        require((z = x + y) >= x, "overflow");
    function sub(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) {
        require((z = x - y) <= x, "underflow");

contract Token is SafeMath {
    uint256 public totalSupply;
    mapping (address => uint) public balanceOf;

    constructor(uint _totalSupply) public {
        totalSupply           = _totalSupply;
        balanceOf[msg.sender] = _totalSupply;

    function transfer(address dst, uint amt) public {
        balanceOf[msg.sender] = sub(balanceOf[msg.sender], amt);
        balanceOf[dst]        = add(balanceOf[dst], amt);

We can write a test that asserts our expected behaviour for the transfer function as follows:

contract TestToken is SafeMath, DSTest {
    Token token;
    function setUp() public {
        token = new Token(type(uint).max);
        log_named_address("this", address(this));

    function prove_transfer(address dst, uint amt) public {
        uint preBalThis = token.balanceOf(address(this));
        uint preBalDst  = token.balanceOf(dst);

        token.transfer(dst, amt);

        // balance of `this` has been reduced by `amt`
        assertEq(token.balanceOf(address(this)), sub(preBalThis, amt));

        // balance of `dst` has been increased by `amt`
        assertEq(token.balanceOf(dst), add(preBalDst, amt));

If we run this test with dapp test -v, it fails with the following output:

[FAIL] prove_transfer(address,uint256)

Failure: prove_transfer(address,uint256)


    result:   Revert("overflow")
    calldata: prove_transfer(0x3bE95e4159a131E56A84657c4ad4D43eC7Cd865d, 29439701909273478501181875661097080170793294512827181564594992945753195806720)

     │  ├╴create Token@0xDB356e865AAaFa1e37764121EA9e801Af13eEb83 (src/Test.sol:69)
     │  │  └╴← 896 bytes of code
     │  └╴log_named_address("this", 0x3be95e4159a131e56a84657c4ad4d43ec7cd865d) (src/Test.sol:70)
        ├╴call Token::balanceOf(address)(0x3be95e4159a131e56a84657c4ad4d43ec7cd865d) (src/Test.sol:74)
        │  └╴← (uint256)
        ├╴call Token::balanceOf(address)(address) (src/Test.sol:75)
        │  └╴← (uint256)
        ├╴call Token::transfer(address,uint256)(address, uint256) (src/Test.sol:77)
        │  └╴← (0x)
        ├╴call Token::balanceOf(address)(address) (src/Test.sol:80)
        │  └╴← (uint256)
        ├╴log(string) (lib/ds-test/src/test.sol:124)
        ├╴log_named_uint(string, uint256) (lib/ds-test/src/test.sol:125)
        ├╴log_named_uint(string, uint256) (lib/ds-test/src/test.sol:126)
        └╴call Token::balanceOf(address)(address) (src/Test.sol:83)
           └╴← (uint256)

Looking into the output, we can see that this represents the case where dst is the same as the sender (in this case the test contract).

In this case the counterexample found doesn’t represent a bug in the implementation of transfer, but rather shows that our understanding of the expected behaviour was flawed: an exhaustive description of the behaviour of transfer must take self-transfers into account. This kind of situation is common when applying formal methods, where we are forced to consider all possible edge cases.

It is also worth noting that fuzzing would be very unlikely to catch this edge case: there are 2^20 possible addresses, and the chance that a randomly generated address would match the address of the test contract is minuscule. You can try it out yourself by renaming the prove_transfer method to test_transfer and seeing if a counterexample is found.

A test for transfer that takes self-transfers into account could look like this:

function prove_transfer(address dst, uint amt) public {
    uint preBalThis = token.balanceOf(address(this));
    uint preBalDst  = token.balanceOf(dst);

    token.transfer(dst, amt);

    // no change for self-transfer
    uint delta = dst == address(this) ? 0 : amt;

    // balance of `this` has been reduced by `delta`
    assertEq(token.balanceOf(address(this)), sub(preBalThis, delta));

    // balance of `dst` has been increased by `delta`
    assertEq(token.balanceOf(dst), add(preBalDst, delta));

Narrowing The Range of Test Inputs

It will often be the case that the system under test is expected to revert in some situations. In these situations it can be desirable to limit the range of the test inputs so these cases are not triggered.

As an example, consider a test for the add function from the introduction:

library Add {
    function add(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) {
        require((z = x + y) >= x, "overflow!");

contract TestAdd is DSTest {
    function prove_add(uint x, uint y) public {
        assertEq(Add.add(x, y), x + y);

Running this test gives us the obvious counterexample:

[FAIL] prove_add(uint256,uint256)

Failure: prove_add(uint256,uint256)


    result:   Revert("overflow!")
    calldata: prove_add(1, 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935)

We can rewrite the test with an early return to skip the assertion violation in this branch of the execution tree. If we wish to keep our specification exhaustive over the inputs, we can add a proveFail test with an inverted condition that will always fail in the branches where overflow does not occur:

contract TestAdd is DSTest {
    function prove_add(uint x, uint y) public {
        if (x + y < x) return; // no overflow
        assertEq(Add.add(x, y), x + y);
    function proveFail_add(uint x, uint y) public {
        require(x + y < x, "must overflow");
        assertEq(Add.add(x, y), x + y);

Execution Environment And Limits to Proof

In order to understand the limits of the proofs that can be produced with this framework, an understanding of the environment in which they are run is essential:

  • All variables in the environment (e.g. caller, gas, timestamp) remain concrete
  • All storage slots are initialized with concrete values (by default to zero if RPC state is not used)

In fact, the only symbolic variables introduced into the test environment are those that are specified in the signature of the test method. This means that the proofs are exhaustive only over the input variables. As an example, consider the prove_transfer test from the example above. The totalSupply is always type(uint).max, and the test would not catch obviously faulty implementations of transfer like the one below:

function transfer(address dst, uint amt) public {
    require(totalSupply == type(uint).max, "whoops");
    balanceOf[msg.sender] = sub(balanceOf[msg.sender], amt);
    balanceOf[dst]        = add(balanceOf[dst], amt);

Execution Against Mainnet State

hevm allows us to fetch state from an RPC node, and we can also use this to write symbolic tests against mainnet state. As an example, let’s run prove_transfer against the balancer token:

interface ERC20 {
    function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256);
    function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);

contract TestBal is SafeMath, DSTest {
    function setUp() public {}

    function prove_transfer(address dst, uint amt) public {
        // BAL:
        ERC20 bal = ERC20(0xba100000625a3754423978a60c9317c58a424e3D);

        // ignore cases where we don't have enough tokens
        if (amt > bal.balanceOf(address(this))) return;

        uint preBalThis = bal.balanceOf(address(this));
        uint preBalDst  = bal.balanceOf(dst);

        bal.transfer(dst, amt);

        // no change for self-transfer
        uint delta = dst == address(this) ? 0 : amt;

        // balance of `this` has been reduced by `delta`
        assertEq(sub(preBalThis, delta), bal.balanceOf(address(this)));

        // balance of `dst` has been increased by `delta`
        assertEq(add(preBalDst, delta), bal.balanceOf(dst));

Let’s run this test as the balancer DAO to make sure that we have plenty of BAL:

$ DAPP_TEST_ADDRESS=0xb618f903ad1d00d6f7b92f5b0954dcdc056fc533 dapp test --rpc-url <URL>
[FAIL] prove_transfer(address,uint256)

Failure: prove_transfer(address,uint256)


    result:   Revert("ERC20: transfer to the zero address")
    calldata: prove_transfer(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000, 0)

We have uncovered another edge case! The balancer token disallows transfers to the zero address. If you are interested in learning about more ERC20 edge cases, an extensive list is maintained at weird-erc20.

Interactive Exploration

hevm also includes a visual debugger, and we can use this to interactively explore the execution tree. You can enter the debugger by running dapp debug from the root of your dapp project. You will see a list of test methods, and once you select one you will be dropped into an interactive debugging session.

You can press h to bring up a help view, n to step forwards, and p to step back. If you press e in symbolic test you will jump to the next branching point. Once there you can press 0 to choose the branch which does not jump, and 1 to choose the branch that does.

Note that the interactive debugger will also function when executing against mainnet state.

A small demonstration video can be found below:


Limitations, Assumptions & Future Work

Non-Linearity (safeMul)

The symbolic execution engine in hevm is backed by an SMT solver (currently either z3 or cvc4 are supported). Expressions involving non-linear arithmetic (multiplication, division or exponentiation by symbolic variables) are extremely challenging or impossible for SMT solvers, and it will often not be practical to symbolically execute tests involving lots of non-linear arithmetic.

Unfortunately, non-linear arithmetic is quite common in real world contracts (e.g. safeMul can easily involve both a multiplication and a division by a symbolic variable).

We hope to include optimizations in future releases of hevm that reduce the load on the solver when executing contracts that make use of common non-linearities (safeMul included).

Loops & Max Iterations

Loops can pose a significant challenge for symbolic execution. As an example consider the following code:

function prove_loop(uint n) public pure {
    uint counter;
    for (uint i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
        counter = i;
    assertEq(counter, n);

Execution will branch each time it reaches the loop condition (one branch where i == n, and one where the loop continues). This means that there are a total of 2^256 branches on the execution tree for this method! This is simply impossible to execute on any existing hardware.

In cases like this, it may be helpful to restrict the maximum number of iterations that will be executed for a given loop. This can be controlled via the --max-iterations flag, which places an upper limit on the number of times any branching point may be revisited. This approach is known in the literature as “Bounded Model Checking”.

Strategies for exhaustive proofs involving dynamically bounded looping behaviour do exist, but are not supported by ds-test. They are however available in other tools (for example in the chc engine of solc’s SMTChecker).

External Calls to Unknown Code

hevm currently does not support symbolic execution of calls into unknown code. For example the code below will fail with a NotUnique error (meaning that hevm is unable to determine a unique target for the call):

function prove_call(address target) public {'');

As above, proof strategies for calls to unknown code do exist, and are supported by the chc engine of solc’s SMTChecker.

Symbolic Representation of Dynamic Types

hevm is currently unable to represent dynamic types (e.g. bytes, string) symbolically. Tests that need symbolic representations of dynamic data will currently fail with an Unsupported symbolic abiencoding error.

We intend to lift this restriction in a future release of hevm.

Symbolic Constructor Arguments

Contract bytecode is currently assumed by hevm to be completely concrete. As constructor arguments are implemented on the EVM level by appending data to the contract’s creationCode, symbolic execution of contract constructors where the arguments are set to symbolic values will currently fail with an UnexpectedSymbolicArg error.

We intend to lift this restriction in a future release of hevm.

State Explosion

Symbolic execution explores all possible paths through a program. If the program is large, or contains many branches, this can become computationally very intensive. This issue is known as “state explosion”. While the relative simplicity of most smart contracts limits the impact, you should be aware that exploration of very large or complex contract systems may become very time consuming.

In these cases it may be convenient to first write your tests as fuzz tests, and only begin symbolically executing once you have a set of properties that you are happy with.